Local SEO

Get better ranking & exposure from Google Maps (aka Google Local) by creating buisiness listings across the web. This process is completed strategically to prevent any penalties from Google and also creates better ranking across all the major directories.

How do I know if this service is for me?

We encourage you to visit Google.com and type in one or more services that you offer. If Google Maps appear on the page, then this service is for you.

Will I be ranked in the first page?

Google has a complicated algorithm that many SEO companies have tried to crack, but truth be told it is ever changing. We do not guarantee 1st page ranking with this service, atleast not in the first 3 months. About 90% of our clients achieve 1st page status on Google Maps from using our local listing optimization.

What does this service do for me as a business?

Local listings is a way to create exposure across multiple networks and directories. The majority of customer come from Google Maps, but many clients have seen other leads generated by various listings that we've submitted that are not Google.


Want to learn more? Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HotoLhiAh3I